Emergency Dentistry Services
If after reading the information below you feel like you need professional advice, call 937-444-3311 and we can help.

Most people can take Tylenol for moderate pain control, but the source of the pain needs to be addressed. If over-the-counter pain medicine doesn’t take care of the pain over the weekend, call our emergency number.

If there is swelling or a blister near the tooth, an antibiotic may be appropriate. Call our emergency number. If the swelling starts to spread to other sites like the eye or neck, get to the ER immediately.

Temporary Crown — Lost, Broken, or Swallowed
Most temporary crowns can be re-cemented with a tiny amount of denture adhesive. If it is broken or swallowed it can wait until office hours unless there is pain, then please call the emergency message line. The temporary crown definitely needs replaced so the tooth doesn’t drift before the final crown is put on.

Broken Tooth or Lost Filling

Avulsed Tooth with Root
If the tooth has been knocked out by accident, rinse it off, put it back in the socket, and call the emergency number because time is of the essence.

Sensitivity — Hot & Cold
Sensitivity is generally not an emergency and can be remedied by switching to a sensitive toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush. Also, you should avoid whitening or tarter control agents. If the condition persists, schedule an appointment with us.